Welcome to Boosters 2024-2025!
- Sign up to receive communications from Boosters on upcoming Fundraisers and TDC Events!
- Manage your TDC fundraising funds through your Booster Account (no change from prior year)!
- Email boosters@thedancecomplexmn.com with any questions!
2024-2025 Booster Board
Amy Smith - President
Lindsey Sheveland - Secretary
Kristi Cady - Treasurer
Amanda Cooney - VP, Fundraising
Stefanie Moon - At Large
Corrin Hanna/Amber Scearcy - Shining Stars
Why TDC Boosters?
To support a best-in-class experience for all dancers at THE DANCE COMPLEX in Maple Grove, MN
Our Mission
To support TDC dancers through development of sportsmanship and team-building skills, and enhance relationships within the TDC community.